"I BELIEVE IN PINK! I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."— Audrey Hepburn

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Every night, friends. You have done what you could. Let it go.

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, July 1, 2012

It's Been a Long Week!

And a busy one too...

It started here, at Ripken Stadium in Aberdeen, MD...not too far from home...My husband, myself, and few other volunteers manned the Susan G Komen table at the Aberdeen Ironbirds game during last Sunday's game honoring Women and Breast Cancer...We had a blast and the Stadium is a beauty! We had not had the chance to check it out yet...I even had cinnamon roasted cashews for the first time! Yum! 

Here is a picture of our table! Luckily we were in the shade with a great breeze! 
I say this because the weather has been beyond hot around here!

It's blurry, but you get the idea...that was the temp. during my ride home on Friday! Oh, and have I mentioned that my vehicle does not have a working AC!?!...

(clears throat) I did find time for a little quality computer time...(clears throat a second time)

I ordered new lenses for these on May 29...still waiting...
I am pretty tired of blurry vision let me tell you! I have progressive lenses and I have found that if I look through the middle for my distance I can see better...So I lift my head and look down...creating pretty bad posture in the process...to top it off, my very cool new shades are in, but thinking that my new lenses would be here any time I have waited to pick those up...
I have had at least 3 conference calls after work this week and since I cannot listen or partake in the car with the windows open...I have to stay late...Grrr...

But then I come home to this little guy and he makes it all better:)
So....that's what I've been up to. How about you all?
Talk to me!
I am linking up with Snapshot Saturday (athomewithbooks) and Pink Saturday!(howsweetthesound)
Oh and...

A little early...

That's it for me this lovely, hot, Saturday...
Until next time...


  1. Cinnamon roasted cashews sound so good! And I truly feel for you traveling in a car without AC in that heat!

    1. I didn't even know that they existed...but boy are they good! Too good to have very often...lol...I try not to think about the drive until it is time to do it...the rest of the time I am comfortably in the AC...Thanks so much for stopping by:)

  2. Your dog is so cute. What a nice thing to come home to.

    1. Thanks Karen! He really is and he is a little devil too...we spoil him so...that's probably our fault:)Thanks for stopping by:)

  3. Good for you for volunteering - and for such a great cause. Volunteerism is something our country needs to embrace with zest.

    Happy Pink Saturday.♥

    1. Thanks Beverly. I have been volunteering for Susan G for probably 16 years...since I am a 17 year BC survivor...I figure I can't expect others to do the work for me as this is my disease...I can't say that I am glad that I received the diagnosis all those years ago, but i have certainly met some wonderful people and done some things I never would have done because of it...Thanks for visiting:)

  4. Nice entry, Kimberly...saw you on the Pink Saturday blog. I am a 2 time cancer survivor since 1989...hard to believe...that's 23 years!!!!geez...thanks for your energy and humor! Smiles! Maria from Seattle

    1. Hi Maria, Thanks for stopping by! Nice to meet you...Wow...23 years...it goes fast doesn't it? I don't know about the energy, but thanks...I am coming over to see you too:)

  5. You are a brave soul to sit outside in this heat!! My car's AC wasn't working either but then yesterday my hubby got some freon and it took all of 5 minutes for me and Gage to be cool. Hope you get some AC soo, you need it!


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