"I BELIEVE IN PINK! I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."— Audrey Hepburn

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Every night, friends. You have done what you could. Let it go.

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sunday Sampler!

The Week in Reflection...and boy was it a busy one...and Kind of crazy too...

First of all, my siblings and I had an email chain going around between the three of us titled "crazy parents". My brother started it and my sister and I just kept it going as the updates came in.
You see my parents, ages 76 and 77 took off on a cross country vacation from WV to Yellowstone NP...not bad, you say? Well they did this on their bike, their Honda Goldwing...which they did have triked last year, but still...

There it is! Pretty, isn't it!?!

So anyway, periodically they would call and update one of us with their escapades and that one would send an email to the others...lol...
They had their 56th anniversary while they were away! At one point they bought a tarp to cover the seat for $5.00 from a homeless man and so I wondered if that was maybe the anniversary gift...lol.
And then there was the time that the engine just stopped dead in the middle of the highway with nothing but a couple of bushes around...and Mom had to go to the bathroom...and so...I think I'll stop there...
Oh, the engine?...dad had hit the kill switch by accident...
And of course there was the time that they saw smoke coming out from  under Mom's seat and it turned out to be a short in Mom's heated suit...It's cold out there on the road...
So it turns out that they made it home safe and sound! 
There are a lot more where those stories came from, believe me...lol

The work week was crazy busy. It seems that even in this economy people will find a way to pay for an IVF attempt...or two...
I was exhausted every night.
I do work for /in a very successful and busy center.

photo courtesy of C. Abbamonte

Just a sample of the little darlings that I work with...

I have also been very busy with my Breast cancer advocacy...It seems that it all heats up this time of year and I have had stuff to work on every evening and calls to be part of also.
I called a last minute meeting for Tuesday and to my delight most of my Survivor activity committee members were able to make it:)
We have a "Sweet" theme this year and we are about to have a blast with it!
Dinner with the ladies was a great time too:)
Later in the week ...
My DH brought this home for me!

I just LOVE that! It is so true...
Looks to be a great theme to me:)
I am so sure there is more to tell but I think I will wind on down now...Oh, someone said to me this week that I had better start retiring my uniform pants...they are way too big! So DH brought me home some smaller scrubs today:)
I also managed to squeeze in a hair and nails appointment:)
A whole new me!

Anyway...enough said...

Linking up with the Pink Saturday ladies at 
Saturday Snapshot at

Monday, August 20, 2012

Conjure Cover Reveal! and Giveaway!

Be careful what you search for...

Emma Guthrie expects this summer to be like any other in South Carolina Low Country-hot and steamy with plenty of beach time alongside her best friend and secret crush Cooper Beaumont, and Emma's ever present twin brother, Jack. But then a mysterious eighteenth-century message in a bottle surfaces, revealing a hidden pirate bounty. Lured by the adventure, the trio discovers the treasure and unwittingly unleashes an ancient Gullah curse that attacks Jack with wicked flesh eating Creep and promises to steal Cooper's soul on his approaching sixteenth birthday.

When a strange girl appears bent on revenge; demon dogs become a threat; and Jack turns into a walking skeleton; Emma has no choice but to learn hoodoo magic and undo the hex, all before summer-and her friends-are all lost-forever.
Sound great doesn't it!?!
Enter to win your own ARC!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Good luck 

Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday Musings...

"Life can either be accepted or changed. If it is not accepted, it must be changed. If it cannot be changed, than it must accepted."-unknown

I can't remember when or where I first saw this quote, but they are words to live by aren't they? If only we could all remember them...sigh...

I seem to be a little overwhelmed lately...so I have been neglecting my little pink place here! I really shouldn't. I like it here. It is pretty. It is pink:) I like pink:) It makes me happy:)

So here I am:) Happy:)

There's Bailey...He's is happily sleeping on his Daddy's lap:)
What a life, huh? I should be so lucky...

Maybe I need a hammock?
or Yoga!

Or how about one of those? Yes, a no wake zone might just do it!

Bailey woke me up today... It was my day off after a busy work weekend...The squirrels were playing on the roof and Bailey thought he could catch them by running around on the bed. My bed. Over me...sigh...lol...

And so...my daughter joined me after the Mr. headed off to work...
I got up...grrr...

I got one of these:) No it did not look like that...lol...But I can pretend:)
I had work to do...Instead, I caught up on emails and Facebook...

Then I caught up on work:)

The day off passed too quickly! They always do...No baseball game to watch! Boo!

But I got a snuggle...both with my Human daughter and with my Eskie son:)
The results of my weekend labor turned out not too shabbily...


If not perfect...

So stay pink my friends!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

A Simple Pleasure...Since 1995

They began manufacturing these in 1995! That year was a big one for me...Many of you out there may know that that is the year of my diagnosis...Breast Cancer became a member of our little family that day...
A few years later I was introduced to my first Horizon of Hope Basket, made by Longaberger(c) I didn't realize it at the time, but they began making these little treasures the year that I became a Breast cancer survivor...I have them all...

That is the 2012 version:)
I love it...of course, I love them all...

There it is with the lid on it:)

Along the way they began making other products too.
That one is a beautiful water bottle:)
You all may notice that it is full! Yes, I am being good and drinking my water! 
I passed 3 kidney stones since last weekend! Not fun, let me tell you...I think though, that I will save that one for another post...I have a picture...
Tell me do you all collect anything???

Linking up:
Poofy Cheeks

Oh yeah! These little beauties help to raise money for the American Cancer Society, to be used for Breast Cancer Research:)
