"I BELIEVE IN PINK! I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."— Audrey Hepburn

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Every night, friends. You have done what you could. Let it go.

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Italian Affair...Blog Tour...Review...

Free-spirited sex therapist Brianna Ballantine has four days to find a fiancé so she can inherit her birth mother’s Italian villa. Commitment is not on the agenda. Writing her sex therapy book and signing legal papers are. And once all is said and done, she’ll return home to Scotland.
For finance guru Tomas Richards, relationships have been a bad investment—give him stocks and shares any day. When Tomas offers a marriage of convenience to help Brianna secure her inheritance, the sizzle between the sheets promises an affair to remember, despite family complications at every turn.
But Tom must convince Brianna to stay, and make this Italian affair a lifelong commitment.
OK, so I will say right up front that I received this one as an advanced readers copy an ARC...so that I could do a review on it...
Having said that, just let me say that I LOVE this book! I am saying that in the present tense because I have to be honest and tell you all that I haven't actually finished it yet...sigh...I know...but i just returned from a trip that was actually a business trip and so I couldn't read could I??? well, could I???
Anyway, I do, I love this book, Annie Seaton has a winner here:From page one I was having a ball and I still am! Such fun characters and I could tell right away that the main characters were going to be complete opposites in there personalities...Perfect, right!?!
I might have to do an update when I finish it:)
So I give this one

I can always up it if I love the ending, right!?!
So run out and pick this one up folks...a great beach read...and a trip to Italy would not be amiss...

Monday, June 17, 2013

Cover Reveal!!! Taken by the Vampire King!

Wow! I love this one! And If the blurb below is anything to go by, so will you...Laura Kaye is a favorite of mine and I am sure she will be a favorite if yours too if you give her a chance...

Henrik Magnusson is supposed to be immortal, but a mysterious ailment leaves the vampire king near death, and not even the blood of the Proffered, human virgins trained to serve the elite, can sustain him. Then he rescues a beautiful young woman from his enemies, and is filled with blood lust and desire he hasn't felt for centuries.
Photographer Kaira Sorenson's life takes a nightmare turn when she's attacked by blood-thirsty creatures—and saved by a vampire. She should be afraid of Henrik, but she can't deny her intense attraction to this regal, enigmatic being—nor the fact that her blood may be his only salvation. Now she must decide if she's willing to be his forever…

This book releases on August 1, 2013 The hot links are below:



From the book:
Henrik’s back slammed against a brick wall, the darkness of the narrow alley sheltering their trio from the tourists thronging Tromsø’s streets.

Lars stood at the entrance, making sure no one developed an unhealthy curiosity.

Jakob got right up in Henrik’s face, forearm pressing into the king’s chest. “What happened?”

He shook his head, swallowing thickly, his hunger burning so intensely it was almost a living thing within him. “Wanted her,” he rasped. It hadn’t been a decision. There wasn’t anything rational or conscious about it. From the first moment she’d approached him, he was awash in her appealing scent, like the smoky berries of a vintage wine or the rich bite of an aged, dignified whiskey.

“Wanted her how?”

“I wanted her.” He knocked his head against the brick. Even now, he couldn’t shake the image of the vein’s rhythmic dance along her slender neck or of the luscious dip of her cleavage, both displayed so invitingly by her upswept hair. His fangs throbbed with a want and a need he couldn’t remember feeling in ages. Not to mention the aching hard-on between his legs.

“Straight out no-shit bloodlust?” Something like hope sounded in the warrior’s deep voice.

“Ja.” Henrik heaved a deep breath of cold January air as his imagination unhelpfully replayed how it would’ve gone down. Tearing the gown from her trim body. Holding her curves in his hands. Bearing her up against the wall. Sinking his fangs and his cock in deep until every dark, needy part of him was sated.

“I’ll get her.” Jakob turned away.

The king slammed his hand down on his brother’s shoulder and gripped hard. “Nei.”

“You want her. You need her.”

“I’ll kill her.”

Because he wouldn’t be able to stop.

Once he got a taste, something base and instinctual told him he wouldn’t be able to make himself stop. He’d been so close to the edge of his restraint in the gallery. Only the sound of her voice had pulled him back from the brink.

All he’d wanted was a night out of their mountain citadel, away from the looming promise of death. He thought the jovial atmosphere of the festival would distract him from all that was to come. Instead, it had thrown it right in his face. Christ, he was a catastrophe waiting to happen, already more beast than man. He shook his head again. “I’ll fucking kill her,” he rasped.

“You won’t.”

Acid washed through his gut. “You willing to risk an innocent woman’s life—or her soul—to see which of us is right? I’m not.” He shuddered, the danger of becoming like his evil enemies one of his greatest fears. “Leave her be. I’ll not have it any other way.”

If you like that, you can always read the first two books in the series while you are waiting for this one to come out...

                       In the Service of the King
              Seduced by the Vampire King

SO run out and pick them up!
and remember to

Sunday, June 9, 2013

WOW! So busy!!!

Yep. that's me...things have been hectic around here to say the least...not so pretty...sigh...bummer...My real job, the one that I have had for a boatload of years...the one that I have driven to the same location to for almost 30 years, yes, that one...well we relocated...it was not easy, not something we looked forward to, and not something that we chose for ourselves...for our labs...we condensed 2 into 1 which is a smaller space than either of the previous two were...I will stop there...We now have a new lab manager...she is making a lot of changes...we are not young...I will stop there...We are a department of 7...3 of which are part time and we expect to at least double our work load...can you spell stress? 
This move was a very physical one! I have yet to get a new  sleeve! It is in the works...During all of this there have been medical issues... My Drs. appointments are now all across town instead of on campus...the list goes on...

I have a second, non paying job, which I feel has suffered...I am responsible locally for the Survivor committee here in MD...we have a meeting coming up this week. I will work on that agenda today. This computer's hard drive crashed and now this new one has nothing of my old stuff...sigh...
I am responsible nationally for 2 committees and thankfully I have able co chairs that have been very helpful and patient with me...I also lost all of my information pertaining to those...We have a meeting Monday...I will be working on that agenda momentarily...
I have a trip pertaining to those two and the greater steering committee in another week!

I have a new SUV!

Yes that is mine...and she is loaded...Some of you may not know, but I was VERY attached to my other SUV I did NOT want to give her up! I had her for 11 years and so I guess my husband had to talk me into this...the Oldsmobile Bravada was a sweet ride and I loved her...she was 3 years old when I bought her and I had her for 11 and so she served me well...In order to get what I had, I had to go a little smaller...and they did not have a pink one:( but she is Black amethyst and very pretty:)
So I am driving to a new place, in a new car, and using a new key code...an old dog learning new tricks...
A little dangerous if you ask me:)

I have been getting the book review posts that I have committed to up but that is about it...

So today is different! Today is a personal post:)
In other exciting news I have been accepted as an Avon Addict! 
25 of us were picked out of 100s of applicants and we will receive a cool package each month of books and things to spread the word about and review...that's a very short version but you get the idea...
I am very excited about this:)

That is the link to the post announcing us! So exciting...
Hey:) that's me:)

Anyway, I guess I should wrap this up as it seems that I am rambling...

Monday, June 3, 2013

First I love you...Blog Tour and Giveaway!

Book Description: First, I Love You
If Mario Puzo and Jane Austen crossed the time-space continuum and mated, “First, I Love You” would be their literary baby. Imagine being a detective with a mobster for a father, or a mobster with a straight arrow, good cop for a son. This is a relationship that is tricky on its best day. Add in some well-meaning meddling from a mob princess sister, an arrogant DEA agent, and gangsters running a human trafficking ring and you have a recipe for a book that refuses to follow the rules. Told from the perspective and point of view of each the six main characters this is the first novel in a trilogy about love, loyalty, revenge and redemption.
Omaha Detective Tommy Gates has kept his gangster father at arm’s length his whole life. Mickey Downey has spent the better part of the last two decades trying to find ways to get back the son he lost through Witness Protection. Now Tommy has taken an opportunity to work on a Federal Human Trafficking Joint Task Force in Chicago where his father lives. Tommy’s sister Kiki and his mother Mary see this as an opportunity to build a relationship between the two. Tommy’s new DEA partner James Hoffman sees it as an opportunity to gain leverage over Mickey Downey. Tommy’s other partner, FBI Agent Ginny Sommers wants to keep Tommy’s family as far from the case as possible. When Kiki and James join forces, sparks fly and it sets fire to a maelstrom of unexpected consequences for everyone involved.
One part The Godfather, two parts Emma and a dash of Casablanca mixed together, “First, I Love You” isn’t a detective novel, a gangster novel, a mystery, a romance or a family saga. It’s a little of all of the above.
OK, first of all...full disclosure...I was given an ARC in order to review this book...that said, I was in no way influenced to give any kind of review...and I read the synopses and asked for the ARC because I liked what I read...I am not finished the book yet but my review had to go up today... That said...I am loving this book...It has not disappointed, I am happy to say:) I can't wait to get to the end!
This is a great read and I can't wait to get to the second book because, you guessed it! I also agreed to read an ARC of that one, because I am enjoying this one sooo much:) The characters have quickly become favorites of mine and when that happens I tend to revisit them...that makes me happy that there is a second book! the Title of that one is...Second of All...Can't wait to read it! I will do a review of that one when I have...but here is a teaser:)
“…for there is nothing so perfect as a thing with no ending and no beginning such as a family of souls intertwined…” This introspective sequel to First, I Love You takes you deeper into a tale of interwoven roles, divided loyalties, and personal conflicts.
Detective Tommy Gates and Agent Ginny Sommers struggle to balance their growing personal relationship with their task of finding his father. Back home, Kiki Downey and James Hoffman are facing their own internal and external pressures. After Mary Gates is led on a different trail by Mickey's Irish kin, they are all given pieces of a puzzle that it will take the whole family to solve. Interlocked within the narrative are glimpses into how Mickey Downey became the man he is today. Throughout their journeys, past and present, they all must struggle with what loyalties and loves come first, and what comes... second of all.
Sounds like a winner doesn't it!?!

So, OK....My rating? 

How about?

Now that is a a 4.5 hearts out of a possible 5! So pretty darn great wouldn't you say:)

Here is a little info. on our author of the day:) 

Genevieve Dewey Author Bio
Author Bio:

Genevieve Dewey is the author of The Downey Trilogy (First, I Love You & Second of All) and the short stories Bird Day Battalion & V-Day Aversion. She is a wife, mother, sister, friend and Anthropologist. She was raised mostly in Nebraska, partly in Arizona. She has a Master’s in Anthropology and worked as an Applied Anthropologist for years (even ran her own research company for a while) before deciding to be a stay at home mom. She loves passionate (rational) debates, reading, and libraries… oh, and Chicago and high-heels and chocolate and target practice and gangster flicks and anything with the FBI in it and run-on sentences. She lives in Nebraska with her three brilliantly diabolical children and one incredibly funny husband.

Here are the pertinent links for First I love you:

And now for Second of all:

Embedded Code: a Rafflecopter giveaway

So there you have it! Enjoy, and as always...
