"I BELIEVE IN PINK! I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."— Audrey Hepburn

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Every night, friends. You have done what you could. Let it go.

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A TrulySimplyPink Happy New Year!

So as many of you know and others are about to find out...New Years is a dubious holiday around here...lol...New Years Eve is an anniversary for me. It was 19 years ago today that I found a lump while in the shower...and the rest, as they say, is history...I have told my story a few times here and that is not what this post is about...so that will not happen here...not this time...Let me just say that Chinese Food is no longer on the NYE menu in our house...lol...
Anyway, we have had a lovely holiday around here in Pinkville thus far:) I have been home from work since last Friday and the Bowl Games have been on the screen non stop. I love them! 
Christmas was a low key affair. My daughter is a grown up 21 and so we arise as we wish and leisurely open gifts and then have a breakfast casserole. This year we went tech for gifts. My husband and daughter were very good to me and I am the very spoiled owner of a brand new Galaxy Tab3 and  the rose gold Galaxy Gear watch!
I call it my Dick Tracy watch...lol...
But he also surprised me with a diamond and pink sapphire bracelet! I cannot complain! My daughter gifted me with a new pandora bracelet and Christmas charm. She also gave me an Alex and Ani stand up to cancer bracelet!
WOW! I told you that I was spoiled! 
We had a very nice visit with my family last Saturday as my sister was down from New York State:) 
This week I have kept it very low key. I have done some reflecting and a lot of thinking about 2013 and the coming year also.
So what about it!?! 
I have mentioned in a previous post that 2013 was a challenge at the workplace. That is a rather mild way to put it...
However, I have decided that I need to make some adjustment with regard to the situation...I have already taken one step and have spoken to my MD about that...
Now the rest is up to me...
So, I hear that the thing to do now a days is to pick a word for the year. I have chosen Positive to be my word...I am not generally known to be a negative person. I am known to be a usually funny good humored person, I think, but it is easy to be sucked into a negative atmosphere...and that is what I am after avoiding!
Sometimes that is hard to remember.
I am not making resolutions really. I just want to try to live a certain way...Perhaps a list of suggestions? I am very dedicated to the things in my life that are important to me. Sometimes too much so...I need to learn to limit myself and manage things so that I am not so easily overwhelmed. I believe that because of that feeling some of the things that are important to me were becoming a burden.
Perhaps I need to prioritize or cut back a little. This needs work. 
I may need to revisit this post in the future and spruce it up...
I think I may be talking a few lifestyle changes here.
I have already gotten a few needlework patterns with the intention of getting back to a hobby I used to enjoy very much before the advocacy bug bit me:)
 But, enough for now...
Here's to 19 years...

free glitter text and family website at FamilyLobby.com

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

All She Wants for Christmas: Blog Tour!

About ALL SHE WANTS FOR CHRISTMAS: George Clauson is Santa's daughter, but she can't stand Christmas. All that ho-ho-hoing, caroling and people's greedy wants? No, thank you. She's left the family business and struck off on her own in the human world finding her niche as a humble second-grade teacher.

Ebenezer Herod is a descendent of King Herod. His family has never stopped trying to destroy Christmas. This year they may actually get their wish, but not if Ben can help it.

George wants nothing to do with restoring balance to the Christmas season, and she certainly isn't interested in the shockingly handsome and devilishly rich Ben. A determined do-gooder, Ben's used to saving the day, but he can't rescue Christmas alone. Can George and Ben find a way to work together despite their opposing heritages to make the Season bright?

The sound of his voice sent a visible shiver catapulting up her spine and she quite suddenly lost her balance. She clung to the banister, cringing at the snapping sound made by her narrow heel as it separated from the body of her shoe. “Blast!”
In a heartbeat’s moment, she felt two hands on her waist, stopping her from falling. “Whoa there. Easy. Are you all right?”
In the night chill, George could feel his warm breath on the back of his neck. It made her mind whirl and she felt woozy and faint. “Sorry about that,” she said, feeling the utter fool. Her hands touched his and while her mind said, you don’t need his help, every other fiber of her being howled Don’t let go!
She turned enough to face him. Standing there on the step above him made her slightly taller than he. A sensation she was quite familiar with, but not with someone she knew to be quite tall himself.
They stood with their faces inches apart. In the night air, their breath rose in white clouds and became one, dissipating into the night, forgotten.
“I’m not usually so clumsy,” she admitted, praying her voice would work. She needed something to work, but evidently her blood had stopped flowing because she felt frozen in her spot.
Ben blinked once, then again. “Neither am I.”
She was about to ask what he meant when their lips met. Had she moved, or had he? She wasn’t sure. The only thing she knew for certain was that her heart was pounding so hard that at any moment it might burst right through her skin. As she breathed in, she sensed herself drowning in a distinctly masculine scent, one she had noticed before but hadn’t felt consumed by. No man on earth deserved to smell this good. Oh…but every woman on earth deserved a moment like this.

           OK...So...Whew....I read this with someone singing "Baby it's Cold Outside" in the background!...lol...I don't think so!...lol

So I think that maybe you should run out and pick this one up..it sounds like a winner to me:)
Amazon Buy link:

So thanks for stopping in and as always


Thursday, December 12, 2013

Mistletoe Madness Blog Hop!

Wow! What fun! So hop on over to all of the participants and pick up a few prizes along the way:)

Here at TrulySimplyPink "simply" leave a comment and you will be entered to win a book...I have several for the winner to choose from and so don't worry that you may have already read it! The Hop runs through the 20th and so I will pick the winner on the 21st! 
Here is the link to visit the other participants!!

I am very excited to be a part of a Christmas blog hop! and so I hope you are too! 

free glitter text and family website at FamilyLobby.com

free glitter text and family website at FamilyLobby.com

free glitter text and family website at FamilyLobby.com
