"I BELIEVE IN PINK! I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."— Audrey Hepburn

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Every night, friends. You have done what you could. Let it go.

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Dyed and Gone!

Whether you’re looking for a romance that makes you laugh, makes you ‘walk the plank’, keeps you guessing, or stars your favorite paranormal, look no further. Select books have the single-title stories you crave, and the longer length you need to really get ‘lost’ in a great book. To find out more about their titles, chat with authors, participate in special events, and to find out what books are coming next, visit the Entangled website, follow them on Twitter, and like their Facebook page.

Today I'm happy to be featuring Select's March release:

Dyed and Gone by Beth Yarnell

Special $0.99 Introductory Price on the ebook version!

Hairstylist Azalea March is looking forward to a wild weekend in Las Vegas with her friends. Oh, sure, they’re supposed to be there on business, attending the biggest hair show on the west coast, but that doesn’t mean they can’t have a little fun. But fun quickly turns to drama. On the first morning of the show, Dhane, the biggest celeb of the hair-styling world, is found dead. As it urns out Azalea’s friend,
Vivian, not only knew Dhane, but the tale she weaves of how they met is faker than a showgirl’s uh… assets. When Vivian confesses to the murder and is arrested, Azalea knows there’s no way she could have done it and suspects Vivian may be trying to protect someone. But who?

Azalea now has to convince Alex, the sexy detective from her past, to help her prove Vivian’s innocence and comb through clues more twisted than a spiral perm. But the truth is stranger than anything found on the Las Vegas Strip, and proving Vivian’s innocence turns out to be more difficult than transforming a brunette into a blonde.

Find Out More!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, March 17, 2014

An Open Letter to CarMax WhiteMarsh, MD Service Dept.

Dear Carmax White Marsh Service Dept:
You may not care too much, but I need for you to know that you lost a customer today. I had an appointment for routine maintenance on my vehicle today at 10:00 am at your facility. It snowed. Big deal. Today is my day off and I treasure my days off as I have to be at work at 0700 on most days and I like to sleep in. But I got out of bed and spent a great deal of time cleaning the snow off of the car and making sure that I would be able to get to the fore mentioned appointment on time as I had been chastised at least once for being late to an appointment in the past. Let it be said that prior to the cleaning of the vehicle I did call Carmax to try to cancel the appointment as I really did not feel up to it, but was unable to reach anyone. Not wanting to be rude, and just not show up, I proceeded with the plans to arrive on time for said appointment...Fast forward to my arrival at Carmax, car parked, and walking toward the service department door. A young gentleman calls out Good Morning and asks if I am there for service, to which I reply, Yes. He proceeds to explain to me that the service department is closed until 12:00 pm. I look at him and ask him, what about my 10:00 am appointment? He explains that I will have to call at 12:00 and reschedule. I stare at him for a second and say, "Well that sucks, I got up and came in here on my day off" to which he replies, " sorry about that, there is nothing I can do" I ask why they are closed and he says , "Snow". I look around at the barely one inch...and I say, that I didn't get a call...He says that there is no one to call me, they are closed...I say, I called...He says there is no one to answer, they are closed...I ask if the parts dept. is open, as I would like to order a part...nope, closed...At this point, I am speechless and furious...I walk away...and get back in the car and drive away...Let me just say that I will be calling them...but not to set up a service appointment, that's for sure...and they will never again be able to get away with chastising me for anything! 
Let me be clear...I will for sure buy another car from Carmax...I bought a brand new Nissan and want to keep the service on schedule...I will not however, be dealing with their service department in the future...Who ever heard of a service department that doesn't serve on Saturdays anyway!?!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Flaw Blog Tour and Giveaway!

What can be said about Josh Brewster? Nothing good, that's for sure. Just ask anyone. They'll be quick to tell you. Josh is a selfish, sweet-talking manipulator who will charm you in a minute, all the while planning his next move. He uses. He leaves. All Josh desires is things that come easy. Why actually work hard for something when you don't have to?

When Josh comes to face to face with a girl who’s doesn’t make anything easy, Josh begins questioning the game he's played so long. He’s suddenly eager to learn how to work for something he never imagined wanting. Can a player really change his ways? Better yet, will his past forgive? 

Aidan Turner has had a rough life, a life that has only become harsher as he's gotten older. The scars across his face serve as a constant reminder of the haunting nightmares from his past life. Seeing himself as nothing but a monster, Aidan believes no one will ever be able to look past his flaws. 

His reasoning is about to change when his very own beauty comes barreling in, sparking emotions he'd thought he'd never feel. Love sizzles between them, but his friendship with another girl complicates everything, especially after the nature of their friendship becomes confused. Will friendship overshadow his true feelings and ruin both couples’ chances at happiness?

About the Author:

Ryan Ringbloom lives for anything Romance. The passion, love, angst, awkwardness… she loves all of it. When Ryan needs a break from reality she sneaks off to read a romantic story or write one of her own. Drinking coffee, reading Tweets and hugs from her five year old are the best part of her day.
SO I have not been able to get to far along in this one, but I have to say that so far I am really enjoying it...It looks like it will be a great read and I can't wait to get farther into it! 
I don't feel yet that it would be fair to give it a rating...so check back later...
here are the buy links
