"I BELIEVE IN PINK! I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."— Audrey Hepburn

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Every night, friends. You have done what you could. Let it go.

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, March 27, 2015

Fluency! Book Tour

Excerpt-Bergen pushed himself into his seat and zipped up the sleeping tube. He turned his head to observe Jane sleeping. Now that everyone else was settling down for rest, he could have an unguarded moment, knowing the others couldn’t see him anymore.
Something had happened to her, but he didn’t have a clue what that might be. She’d been sort of entranced by the symbols on the wall, then she had just flipped out. That wasn’t like her at all. The entire journey, she’d been a rock—affable, even-tempered, kind. She had worked hard to keep the peace under incredibly difficult circumstances—and succeeded.
She’d only once shown any sign that the stress was getting to her. It had been shortly after getting a data stream from Houston about a month before, filled with personal emails, meant to be a morale booster. Within minutes of the download completing she had been silently crying and trying to hide it. It had kept happening. Frequently. For days. No one else had seemed to notice. He’d seen Varma talk to her once, but it hadn’t helped. He’d started to get angry that everyone was ignoring her suffering, or couldn’t see it, which seemed worse.
One day she had herself tucked into a little nook that she haunted, an electronic reader in hand. He’d been just a foot away, eating a meal, when something splashed on his face. He had been sure it wasn’t food because he hadn’t opened anything wet yet. He had looked up and realized that it had been a tear that had escaped her efforts of concealment.
He had three younger sisters. He’d observed his parents performing miracles with hugs when they were all small. He’d even stooped to it, himself, when desperate. So, it had gone against his better judgment, but he just couldn’t watch her struggle anymore.
He hadn’t said anything. He hadn’t wanted to draw unwanted attention. He had just pulled up close and wrapped his arms around her.
She had stiffened at first, then had melted into him, tucking her face into his chest, heaving soundless sobs. He had waited until she pulled away, murmuring apologies, but he hadn’t replied or even met her eyes. He hadn’t wanted to embarrass her. He had just moved away. It seemed to be what she had needed, because she hadn’t cried again after that.

I was given  this book for an honest review...
I don't usually read much science fiction but the blurb appealed to me and so...here we are...

I have to say that I enjoyed this book very much and can highly recommend it to anyone that is not usually into this genre, but is open to reading...please give it a shot. I don't like to give much away in my reviews and so I won't say much. I like adventure and I like interpersonal relationships. I believe that this book does have both on different levels. 

It is good to try things out of your comfort level and this one is worth the shot. A great read! Go for it!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Happy Pink Saturday...

And after working the last two, I sure am happy to have this one off. Even if I did wake up with a hell of a migraine...sigh...Oh well...I was supposed to attend the Survivorship day put on by both Hopkins and Komen MD...That did not happen...Some guilt there...as I was going to be a team player as I am an advocate/volunteer for both...Don't worry, I shot off an email...

So, after going through my anti migraine regimen and getting some more sleep things began to calm down...and here I am...blogging...Have not done that in a while... 
There have been some changes in my life.
The big one I guess, would be on the breast cancer front. This will be the first year in many that I am NOT the chair of the Survivor Tent for Komen Maryland. That was a labor of love for over 13 years with a short break for a 2 year stint for Race chair. I was on other race committees before that but the survivor tent was my baby.
Here we are setting up the day before the race last year...
However, as our race was upwards of 35,000 people at one point, it is/was a lot of work and a lot of stress...I have left this love of my life in capable hands.
But have no fear. I have not given up the fight. You see, there was always the other advocate activities that had me so busy also. I am still working with Komen MD and Johns Hopkins. The TBCRC, and the other organizations also... I am the co chair of the Advocates in Science steering committee for Susan G Komen and that keeps me very busy.
In fact, I think perhaps some day I will do a series of posts dedicated to the "work" that I do so that you all will understand...As it is this post is getting a little long winded.

So then the real/ paying job has been a big drain lately...No matter how much you love what you do...there are times that are intensely challenging and this is one of them...enough said...Oh...that picture? That is a very nice human blastocyst...All in a days 

So I think that is enough for today! More than enough actually...how have you been? What's new? I hope to be around more now...we will see, won't we?
Here is a little pink just for fun...

Seems like good advice!

Pink Saturday