"I BELIEVE IN PINK! I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."— Audrey Hepburn

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Every night, friends. You have done what you could. Let it go.

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, January 29, 2012

IndySuperCure...Not Just Any Pink Saturday!

IndySuperCure is a special initiative set up by the super bowl to help scientists study normal breast tissue. The thing is though, in order to study normal breast tissue, said tissue has to be collected and stored in a tissue bank. Susan G Komen for the Cure has just such a bank. And IndySuperCure, taking place on Saturday, January 28, 2012 in Indianapolis, Indiana.  It is an initiative to help fund the collection of normal breast tissue from 700 women volunteers!

A physician removes tissue from a breast tissue donor. (Image courtesy of Susan G. Komen for the Cure Tissue Bank at the IU Simon Cancer Center)

Click below to read the article on this incredible initiative...

Now THAT'S a Pink Saturday!


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Another Reading Challenge!

Yup, there it is up there! If you are interested just click on the link...
The idea is to choose a book that all of these amazing book bloggers have recommended...They submitted their favorite reads from the year 2011 and you get to choose from THE LIST.
It's called the Book Blogger Recommendation Challenge!
Hosted by Reading With Tequila 
Click there for the list of books: Maybe you'd like to join us...
There are 5 levels 
The Levels:
Level I - Read 5 books from the 2011 Book Blogger Recommendation List
Level II - Read 10 books
Level III - Read 15 books
Level IV - Read 20 books
Level V - Read 20+ books

The Rules:
  • Challenge will run January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012. Participants can join anytime throughout the challenge.
  • Create an intro post, linking back to this post. 
  • Sign up with the MckLinky below. Please link to your challenge intro post, not your blog home page. 
  • Chose your own books from the list. You can decide to read books only on the Top 25 list or from the entire recommendation list. You do not have to make a list of books before the challenge begins.
  • All forms of books acceptable (audiobooks, eBooks, etc.)
  • Rereads do not count towards the completion of the challenge. The challenge is about discovering books that are new to you.
  • You don't need a blog to participate.
  • Reviews, while always appreciated, are not mandatory.

So there you have it! What do you say?

Are you up for it?

I think it will be fun...

Until next time,

Sunday, January 22, 2012

What to do, What to do...

OMG! this is so me...Ask anyone in my family...they warned my husband before we were married not to try to talk to me in the morning, but he didn't listen...

All I can say is, it is a darn good thing that I have a half hour ride in to work or there would be no talking to me when I got there...and we do a lot of our most important stuff first thing in the morning...I mean 0700 first thing in the morning...sigh...

I try to get enough sleep and over the years that has been a real priority, but now I just don't want the job to dominate my life, and I feel that is what it does if I go to bed early all week just to be able to wake up and go to work again...and this was my life for years...trouble is when I don't, I am exhausted by the end of the week...sigh...
But there is life outside of the Embryology lab...and I like that life...

And then there is my "other job" I spend perhaps as much, if not more time, on my Breast Cancer activities...a labor of love for sure! My passion! I have done more and been more places and met such lovely people in the name of this cause...

And of course, there is family...Hubby isn't in this shot, but you get the idea...

And there is my blogging, book blogging, etc...
I just love this stuff...and Facebook, etc...

So I know I need more sleep, but if I do that, just when am I supposed to enjoy all of these other things???? It is truly a dilemma...

How do all of you handle it?

Oh and...

AFC Championship
As always, linking up with
For Pink Saturday

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Help Us to Help Her!

I don't usually do posts such as this, in fact this is a first! we are giving ALL of the proceeds from this party to A single Mom...She can't work right now because of her cancer treatments...won't you help us out? 
My friend Molly came upon a table in her local gym selling Cookie Lee jewelry and she thought to herself, "oh a way to make a little Christmas money"...Well she soon found out the the lady doing the selling was a friend of an employee of the gym that was unable to work because of the treatments she is going through...on top of it, she has kids...so if you feel like helping out, just click on the link and check out the cute, inexpensive stuff...

And thanks

Sunday, January 15, 2012

It's been a rather lazy weekend...as opposed to a work weekend for me... and so here I am, staring at a blank screen...About the only thing I absolutely knew that I wanted to have on here was the picture you see up there...:) A particular favorite of mine...
I actually have lots of ideas but they don't really fit this particular post...which is really about nothing...

It is another football weekend in our house. We are Ravens fans here! Today is our play off game! 
or as we like to say here in Baltimore...

But I have to say that I was pretty disappointed yesterday because I am a BIG fan of one Mr. Tebow. He is one fine Human Being and that is all I will say about that.

Anyway...the cry of the day at the Pinkim household is...GO RAVENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"She refused to be bored chiefly because she wasn't boring."
-Zelda Fitzgerald

Linking up
as usual for
 pink Saturday

Saturday, January 7, 2012

It's a football Kind of Weekend!

OK, I am really a fan of college football! Is there anything more fun than a stadium full of enthusiastic college kids? I just love all of the genuine energy and fun!

Of course this weekend is all about the Bowl games...
And of course the NFL play offs...
What fun!
Of course, there is PINK to be found here too if you only look hard enough:) 
and it is a Pink Saturday!!

Here we have a pink jersey...A Ray Lewis jersey to to be exact!

Go Ravens!!

 A lovely little Pink Helmet!

And look what I found! For the fashion conscience football fan...

Linking up with 
and all of the other Pink Ladies

Friday, January 6, 2012

Reading Challenges 2012 Cintinued...

I have signed up for several reading challenges for 2012 and as part of the kick off for each of these challenges I have to do a post for each of them.

This one is hosted by

And I have to say that if you haven't checkout the Cozy Mysteries yet, you don't know what you are missing! I just love this genre! I can't wait to get started, actually, I never stop...so this one should be easy...I have chosen the Super Sleuth level. At that level we have to read 13 or more books! Piece of cake...lol...
So that's it for me! All of my challenges and their individual posts...sorry about the multiples...sorry to inundate you...but it had to be done...whew...
fun to be had...
until next time...

Reading Challenges 2012 continued...

I have signed up for several reading challenges for 2012 and as part of the kick off for each of these challenges I have to do a post for each of them.

For this one we are reading the entire  Rizzoli and Isles Series...
I just happened to have bought the entire series for my Kindle this summer so...here I go...
This one is being hosted by

I expect to enjoy this one a lot!
Once again...

Reading Challenges 2012 Continued...

I have signed up for several reading challenges for 2012 and as part of the kick off for each of these challenges I have to do a post for each of them.

This one is an easy one because I just love getting those free books...
Such a clever name don't you think?

I have signed up for several reading challenges for 2012 and as part of the kick off for each of these challenges I have to do a post for each of them.

This one is hosted by workadayreads

I have chosen the server level (100) as most of the books i read are on my Kindle:)
Easy right?

Reading Challenges 2012 Continued...

I have signed up for several reading challenges for 2012 and as part of the kick off for each of these challenges I have to do a post for each of them.

This one is a favorite of mine! I just love this genre!
So this one should be easy...not like any of them are hard...just the posting...sigh...
this one is even pink...:)
I am even selecting the second level of 24!
Wish me luck!

Reading Challenges 2012 Continued!

I have signed up for several reading challenges for 2012 and as part of the kick off for each of these challenges I have to do a post for each of them.

So there you have it...this one shouldn't be to hard. I mean with all of the other challenges that I am signing up for, I should be able to complete this one for sure! Wish me luck!
Now, if I can just keep up with the posts each month...

Reading Challenges 2012!

I have signed up for several reading challenges for 2012 and as part of the kick off for each of these challenges I have to do a post for each of them.
This one is a natural and a no brainer for me...reading and sports...Helloooo...

Hosted by 
I think I'm shooting for the JV level, which is 4-7 books...
so, as always...
