"I BELIEVE IN PINK! I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."— Audrey Hepburn

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Every night, friends. You have done what you could. Let it go.

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sleepers Run...A Review...

Synopsis: (from the authors website) War on terror veteran, Eric Caine is found wondering the streets of Miami with no memory of the car accident that left him there. Alone and suffering from PTSD, Eric is on a one way road to self destruction. Then a chance meeting at a bar begins a series of events that helps Eric start anew. When a new job relocates him to Venezuela-the land of his childhood-things, however, take an ominous turn as a catastrophic event threatens the stability of the country. Now Eric must escape an elite team of CIA assassins as he tries to uncover an international conspiracy in which nothing is what it seems.

The review: Let me just say that the synopsis above is a very tame version of what really happens in this fast paced, hair raising story of intrigue. I could not put the book, or Kindle actually, down...
Wow, what an exciting read! For those of you out there that are addicted to the black ops kind of thing, this one will definitely appeal. Unfortunately, it is hard to review this one without saying too much that will give away and ruin the plot twists...and there are plenty of them! So let me just say that Sleepers Run is a well written novel full of intrigue, adventure, and action...There's even a little bit of romance thrown in for good measure...My recommendation? Pick this one up! You won't be sorry!                                               
5 hearts for this one 

About Me

My Photo
I'm a writer and artist born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela. I attended the University of Miami, Florida, where I obtained a double major in Graphic Design and Film. As a writer, I enjoy researching my novels extensively, including gaining first-hand knowledge of some of my characters' skills. I currently reside in Los Angeles with my wife, dog and cat. Sleeper’s Run is my first novel.

Genre: political thriller
Author: Henry Mosquera
Publisher: Oddity Media LLC
Release Date: July 27th, 2011
Format: 5.25” x 8” paperback and
ebook (MOBI and EPUB)
Pages: 350
Price: $9.99 paperback $2.99 ebook
ISBN: 978-0615505442 paperback
978-1-937563-05-9 MOBI
978-1-937563-06-6 EPUB
Available At: Amazon.com, Kindle,
iBookstore, Nook, Sony Reader and Kobo
Amazon (buy it)

Sleepers Run (Author's website)

I will be posting this review on other sites...As I do, I will add the links here.

For now,
Stay Pink!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

AY...What a Day...

So...Do you see a review here? Hmmm? No! you do not...Why, you might ask? Well, I will tell you. I spent the entire day on this Little Pink Laptop...
Cute, huh?
Well, it is functioning well, but I can't open MS Outlook. There is apparently a corrupted file...I worked on this all day...No, I don't use Outlook too often, hardly ever, actually, but still...Anyway...I found a "free" download that actually fixed the corrupted file. But when I tried to save the corrected file, I was asked to register and pay for the program...Yep, to the tune of 129 and some change! I don't think so...If I want to pay that, I will just buy a newer version of MS Office...sigh...A whole day wasted, and nothing but frustration to show for it...boo:(
To top that off, My Husband spent the day working on a leaky pipe...you know, one of those "little" jobs...the water has been off all day...I feel like a grunge and he is now totally disgusted and frustrated and the water is still off and he will be making ANOTHER trip to Home Depot tomorrow...sigh...Lord save us from these types of weekends...
So anyway...It's Pink Saturday! and there's always tomorrow, right?
I guess my review will have to go up then...because who knows if the thing would make sense if I even managed to write it this late at night...

Aaaaaaahhhh...there we go:)

as always

Linking up

Thursday, February 16, 2012


I'm sorry I have been away for so long...I haven't even participated in a Pink Saturday lately!
Things have been rather crazy around My Little Pink Place. First there was the Komen "Controversy". During that week, I spent each minute I was on the computer answering emails and Facebook questions...

I Stand by Susan G Komen for the Cure!

I actually have received a few books for review! I have finished one of them and will soon be posting my review!

Isn't that exciting? 

I have also been under the weather...

 But, I am back in action now...and will be posting the review soon!
