"I BELIEVE IN PINK! I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."— Audrey Hepburn

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Every night, friends. You have done what you could. Let it go.

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, September 26, 2011

A Day in the Life...

It's Monday...and I ended up out sick...and at home today...I did work the weekend, as I mentioned in Saturday's post...I also mentioned that it was our 23rd anniversary on the 24th...Funny thing about that...My lucky co worker for the weekend celebrated her anniversary on the 24th also..her 23rd...That's right, we were both married to our respective grooms on the same day, in the same year,1988!!
How about that! We both worked! How about that!?! lol!
My husband came up and met me after work for a late lunch, which really turned out to be an early dinner...more on that in a minute...we went for Chinese...this is unusual for us...the why of that has to do with my breast cancer story, which I will save for October...Well, that and the fact that I am not a very adventurous eater...

So, anyway...we were intending to use a gift card that I gave my Hubby for Christmas, oh, I'd say about 1.5 years ago...We were seated and ordered a couple of appetizers and he went with a chicken dish and then just fired rice with chicken and beef for me...told you, no adventure for me...Well this was around 2 o'clock! We ate our appetizers and talked...and talked...Hubby made fun of me for attempting to use chopsticks, but guess what? I was successful! And I had so much fun using them! The diet Coke was flowing...

After a while the manager came over to our table and asked which one of us ordered the rice as an entree...I did...well their rice cooker stalled and they had no white rice and they had to start over..did I still want that? Yes I did...OK...We continued to enjoy ourselves and munch on crunchy fried and breaded green beans...Is there any other way to serve them? Well, a few more apologetic manager/server visits and we finally received our quite delicious and large meals...
A while later our server brought out the dessert menu and said don't eat all of that rice because the desserts on us...He had already said the entree was...
He talked us into Banana rolls (like egg rolls) and ice cream...
Man, as someone that has Type II diabetes I NEVER indulge in dessert...But it was delicious! When Hubby got out the gift card, the server indignantly told us there would be NO check...He had never seen it take so long for anyone to be able to get an order of fried rice and the entire dinner was on them...So we have yet to use that PF Changs gift card! lol! The date was lovely, and I do believe that they actually did us a favor because we would never have taken such a leisurely time and talked and just generally enjoyed each others company if they had not taken so long with the rice.

The next day I received a text from my husband while I was on the way home from work...You never said anything about the flowers on the sideboard...ME: What flowers? Him: the ones I left on the sideboard. ME: from who? HIM: Me... You got me flowers? Why didn't you give them to me? Him: I put them there before we met for lunch and when I got home you were asleep and I waited for you to say something and today I just realized that you hadn't...
And that's the rest of the story...lol...

Friday, September 23, 2011

It's Pink Saturday!

And I am working...again...but that's OK...Some of you may remember the Thanksgiving Vacation that we were going to be taking...well we aren't...Oh, we still have off, we just are not going away...sigh... so no beach or turtles or alligators in November for me...Oh well...enough whining...How about a little pink?

Not much pink here, but isn't this a great shot? My daughter took this of herself and Bailey with her Iphone...I just love it...and them...I think that they love each other too...don't you?

I think he wants someone to get up don't you?
and when that didn't work...
Bat, Bat...
He bats him a couple of times...
And if that doesn't work than he will nip him on the nose...
I haven't gotten a picture of that yet..he does it gently...as a sign of affection...cute...

That's Love!!

PS...This Pink Saturday just happens to be our 23 Anniversary!

Link up 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Seriously? Thursday!

Seriously?! I am still a sick woman...very funny! That is not what I meant...The kidney, you know? You did not take that bet from yesterday did you?

Seriously?! Tomorrow is my day off and I have to be in Advanced Radiology at 0930 for a Renal ultrasound and KUB (whatever that is)

Seriously?! I just love my NCIS!! Best season opener EVER!!!!

Seriously?! Just read the best book ever...New York to Dallas!!

Seriously?! 3 LITERS a day!?! sheesh...

What do I look like? A Camel?

Where am I gonna put it all? Sigh... Flush it she says...

Seriously?! I am fairly concerned...


Also linking up with

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

It's Wednesday ...and My Mind is Wandering...

Ah...is it only Wednesday?...sigh...Well...that does mean that last night was TUESDAY!! Why is that so important you ask? Well, if you are asking that you must be new around here so I must explain...No, wait! I will show you...

Need I say more?? The NCIS season opener was last night! It was AWESOME... I hate using that word, I really do. This is probably the first time since beginning my little pink blog that I have ever used it. But it just fits...sorry(for using the word, not for liking the show)...I just love that show...I schedule no meetings on Tuesday...none.
 There they are...Gotta love 'em...
OK, so my mind wanders on...if it must...I also read an, dare I say it AWESOME book this week...JD Robb's (Nora Roberts) newest in the "In Death" series just came out and, of course, just mysteriously showed up on my kindle...(sorry honey)
If you have not yet read any of these, I very highly recommend it. Just make sure you read them from the beginning, and in order. I do believe that I have them listed on my Little Pink Library Tab. The characters and the relationships between them have developed into a beautiful thing over the years and you really don't want to cheat yourself out of that. But don't let that fool you. This is a true crime series set in the late 2050's and it is pure pleasure!

There it is. But. Do. Not. Read. This. First.
Start at the beginning...with "Naked in Death"
So, my mind is still wandering...I just finished my fourth round of antibiotics...two days ago...went for yet another UA and culture today...any bets on whether or not it will be clear? 
I wouldn't if I were you...
Another sigh...
I think a Urologist just may be in my future...It was back in the kidney this time...probably never left...
Enough of this Wednesday wandering...Oh, when last here I was reviewing...I finished...of course:)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

It"s Pink Saturday!!

 I have to tell you that even though I am not working this weekend, I will be working this weekend...Sigh...I have a whole bunch of breast cancer grant proposals in my possession, and as I am an advocate reviewer for same, I need to get them reviewed!
Have I mentioned that they all have to be in on Monday? Oh, well, they all have to be in on Monday! So, I really have no business being here on my little pink blog...But here I am!

Below is the tool of my trade...It also happens to have Facebook and my little pink blog on it among other things...very dangerous, that...

As you can see, I have a helper...
This is serious business...
Just in case you couldn't tell, this is the computer that is open above...PINK of course...

So, enough of this...I have to get to work, saving the world from breast cancer!

Don't forget to link up with Beverly at howsweetthesound. and

Sunday, September 11, 2011

September's Mystery and Suspence Challenge

OK, so I have read several books recently that qualify for this one...so hmmm, what to choose, what to choose...
I think it shall be...

Ellie is young, rich, engaged and in love. These are the carefree days before marriage and new responsibility, and anything goes -- including house-sitting at eccentric Aunt Kate's palatial estate in Burton, Virginia. Ellie feels right at home here with the nearly invisible housekeepers and the plethora of pets, but she soon realizes that there are disturbing secrets about the local aristocracy buried in a dusty old book she has carried into the mansion. And her sudden interest in the past is attracting a slew of unwelcome guests -- some of them living and some, perhaps not. And the terrible vegeance that Ellie and her friends seem to have aroused -- now aimed at them -- surely cannot be...satanic.

That was from Amazon...This is an older book written by Elizabeth Peters, a pseudonym for Barbara Mertz. I just love her books...She writes with a wicked sense of humor and it matches mine...This one was no different. I loved Kate and Ellie and of course the Very Handsome neighbor...not so much the fiancee...see the trend here...I will say no more...Please give this one a shot...

Before I go I have to
give a shout out to one of my favorite series...I am partial to series as they give the author a chance to develop the characters and the relationships between same...
The series is The Amelia Peabody series by Elizabeth Peters...They are Egyptologists with a precocious son set during the time when all of the great Pharaohs tombs were being discovered.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril VI

What's this, You ask? Well, this is a new reading challenge...I need one of those...you know that I love them...they all sort of overlap...I am actually doing rather well with all of them, but I am waaay behind in the posting arena...sigh...
this one is hosted by stainlesssteeldroppings
Go ahead and head on over and read about it...
I signed up for the "Peril the First" and "Peril of the Short Story"
That means that I have to read 4 books and I think however many short stories I like of the categories:
 Mystery.Suspense.Thriller.Dark Fantasy.Gothic.Horror.Supernatural

Between September 1st and October 31st... 
I shall do this in my spare time...Have I mentioned that the Race is on the 23rd of October?...and that I have Breast Cancer Grant Proposals in my possession that need reviewing?...clears throat...oh and I am not in the best of health right now?...
Wish me luck!

It's Pink Saturday!!

And while I know that a lot of the PS ladies will be concentrating on 911...I think that I will not...I have a little something to share with you...My husband took a little trip out of town to visit his Mom and his Brother's family recently...

He brought a little something home for me...
No, that isn't it...he did, but that is another story...
He sees little things and he thinks of me and he brings them home to me...
I was, and am, thrilled with this one...I immediately thought of Pink Saturday! He thought of me when he saw this for two reasons...Number one: IT IS PINK! 
Number two: It is for BREAST CANCER!
and so without further ado:
Here it is...TADA!!
Adorable, Yes?

From another angle...You can see why I am so...well...TICKLED PINK!
and yes, ladies, that is a PINK Baltimore RAVENS breast cancer hat in the background...
Go Ravens!!
So, that is MY Pink Saturday, what's yours?
Show us by linking up
howsweetthesound with Beverly.

Til next time,

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

It's Wednesday! and ...My Mind is Wandering...

Hi there...Well, I haven't done this in a while...well, I mean my mind has wandered...just not on a Wednesday...Well, probably it has wandered on a Wednesday, just not here in this format...sigh...already I am off track...What track? you ask?
Hmmm, Good question...
Well, I know that I was thinking about the time earlier in the week when my daughter told me that they were talking at work and she told them that if she ever got a tattoo that she would get a meaningful one...Note: I am not particularly worried here...she had to give up pierced ears in middle school because I flat out refused to change the earrings for her anymore and she was afraid to push them through the little holes herself...So anyway where was I? Oh yes...She said that she would get the tattoo somewhere where no one could see it maybe on her hip bone a pink ribbon on one and an xoxo on the other...for me....I was so touched...even knowing that she will never be able to bring herself to do this...I am touched at the thought...

There is something else that I am very touched by this week...Our 35th high School reunion is coming up...Out of the blue I got an email from one of the members of the planning committee explaining to me that anyone who knows me knows how hard I work to raise money for Susan G Komen for the Cure and so they have an anonymous donor that has offered to donate $5.00 for every person and guest that will attend the reunion up to $250.00! They would like me to spearhead the effort by being the cheerleader of sorts...Of course I am happy to! He called me today to work out the detail...That was a fun call. A blast from the past...
But really! What a fantastic idea! A class reunion that is raising money for a wonderful cause also, and not just any cause, one that has effected members of our own class. Breast cancer isn't the only one either. I am told the there is a similar offer on the table for another that does similar work for an AIDS organization...So we will be raising money for two worthy organizations that weekend just by attending our reunion and having fun! 
What an idea!
I always knew the class of 1976 was a special one.
We Rock!

A very big Thank You to our Anonymous Donor!
My mind is also wandering around about another subject...Clive Cussler has a new book out...I started it last night...I am about to get back to it...Here is a picture of it...

I love the Isaac Bell books he is a true gentleman...sigh...

So....I am off to read...

Saturday, September 3, 2011

It's Pink Saturday!!

Yup, that's me alright! what more can I say?
Have a great Holiday weekend everyone...

As for me...I am working all weekend...It is my turn...I am not the only one... I have a partner in crime...


Don't forget to check out all the other pink ones over at our hostesses home howsweetthesound
