"I BELIEVE IN PINK! I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."— Audrey Hepburn

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Every night, friends. You have done what you could. Let it go.

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, February 28, 2011

Rainy Days and Mondays...

Only you can make me wear a pink ribbon even when it doesn't go with my outfit at all
OK, So how does the rest of the song go?? Well, however it goes...it does not apply here today...See that card up there ^ ...I found that in an envelope at my place this morning...My daughter had gotten the mail already...I slept late today! Already a good beginning to the day! I am off. I worked the weekend...The card had been in the mailbox...sent to me by my husband...Isn't it cute? What a guy! It is a great day to receive the card because I am planning to send out my email asking my committee members of last year if they intend to join me again this year in our endeavor to make this year our best year yet...We are the Survivor Committee for the Maryland Susan G Komen Race for the Cure 2011. It will be held this year on Sunday, October 23, 2011. All are welcome! We usually have upwards of 35,000 participants, at least 2000 of which are survivors. It is the job of my committee to make sure it is a very special day for every one of them...Last year we outdid ourselves...this year we will do that again...It is time to begin...

My Husband did not even know this when he mailed that card! How perfect is that!?! Before you ask..No, this does not routinely happen, making this an even better surprise...

So Happy Monday! Stay Pink! I have an email to compose...Any ideas? We have to come up for a theme for our tent...Pinkim! (no that is not a theme, that is a sign off)

Oh, here is a shot of our tent last year!
Prior to all the action...

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Happy Pink Saturday!!

Isn't this house lovely? I can certainly picture myself living there! and I can see myself curling up on that porch with my Kindle and reading a great book...

Hi there! and Welcome to my Very Pink Saturday and My Very Pink Blog! I come a little late to the party this week because I had to work today...I stayed up late last night to finish a new JD Robb book and then had to be up VERY early this morning...So I have to tell you that as soon as this is posted, I will be settling down for a long late winter afternoon's nap...I can so see myself curling up on the window seat in that turret room on the end up there...pure bliss in my big PINK house...with my little Eskie puppy...

Happy Pink Saturday Everybody!!  Pinkim!


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Welcome to My Second Installment of Wednesday's Wanderings!!

As most of you followers know, that is my little Bailey...Right now he is sleeping quietly next to me on the floor, all curled up in what I call his cubby. He likes to snuggle things, like my slippers, pink, of course...If he is not being sweet Bailey, and snuggling one of us, or something else, then he is being little madman puppy Bailey... If you have ever had a puppy, you know what that means...he jumps on us, climbs on us, chews on us, and then does it all over again! The more excited and agitated we get, the more excited and playful he gets...sigh...he is super cute no matter which Bailey shows up...guess which one I prefer? But I sure do love him! I am home, sick today...a day of cleaning snow off my car, and I seem to be all congested again...I finished the ZPak so thought to be on the mend,, and maybe I am, maybe this is a temporary setback...we shall see...As you can see up there, I am dreaming of a tropical getaway...isn't it lovely?...Now, this may have something to do with the fact that now that Hubby is back from a trip to Atlanta to see his parents, we have mailed off the deposit for our vacation rental! Yes, my daughter and I were finally able to settle on a place. We chose a condo on a golf course in Sunset Beach, North Carolina. Not too far north of our beloved North Myrtle Beach and Charleston, SC. We will certainly be taking some day trips to those places...do some shopping...see some history...and spend plenty of time at the beach...My daughter is 19, she and I will be the ones at the beach and my husband will be fishing in the morning and hoping that we do not spend all the money...lol...a futile hope at best...

Oh, I must confess, that during that last thought sweet little Bailey decided to interrupt and climb up for a sweet 10 minute snuggle...here he is right on top of me...
isn't he cute?

Seems as though my wandering thoughts are making me a little drowsy and also maybe are leading me to thinking about starting that new JD Robb book that showed up on my Kindle yesterday...Treachery in Death! I can't wait to get started on that!

So how about all of you? Any vacation thoughts going on out there? Where are your favorite places to vacation? Where are you all headed this year? Please share!

Stay Pink!! and Happy Wednesday!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Happy Pink Saturday!!

There's nothing I like more than to sleep in on a Saturday and wake up leisurely, with a great cup of coffee... Not exactly what happened today, but that's OK...I had to take our sweet Bailey to the vet for a follow up appointment today. He needed  a couple of booster shots. My husband is away so it was up to me...Bailey and I woke up and cuddled and played a little...a nice way to begin the day...a good thing the little guy woke me up because the alarm clock was still set to Dallas time...sigh...well, I ate quickly and made said cup of coffee, had a couple of sips and hit the ground running...Dropped one of my morning pills...spent some time in panic mode thinking Bailey had eaten it! Realized he had not! Got the crate into the car, covered the bottom, Bailey gets car sick... whizzed off to the vet...got Bailey out of the car...discovered that Bailey had uncovered the bottom...sigh...and took him inside...Turns out Bailey does not like the vet after all! Put Bailey back into the car. Drove home. Got Bailey out of car...Bailey did throw up this time...sigh...clean up, put crate back finally feed Bailey...clean up, and...wait for it... reheat earlier cuppa and FINALLY enjoy leisurely cup of coffee...sigh..Happy Pink Saturday!. Oh! it is VERY windy today, Bailey barks at the wind...all kinds of mysterious noises happen when it is windy. I must be protected from them...sigh...
Stay Pink!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Welcome to a Wandering Wednesday...

What's that, you ask? Well, I made it up! This is my blog and so I can do that if I want, you know...I've been feeling a rambling kind of blog coming on since last night...I was having all kinds of cheery little thoughts as I sat here and typed and facebooked and watched my favorite shows...Hint: last night was TUESDAY!!! Well, I have to say...note to self: when you feel a cheery little ramble blog coming on, just get to it, do not put it off, even if you are tired...because you may not be so cheery the next time you do sit down to blog...oh, well...I had a Dr's appointment today. It went pretty well, but the nasty cold has managed to morph itself into a nice little green sinus infection and so I am now the proud owner of one Zpack! Picture many little ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ's with capes on, running to the rescue of my immune system! So, on it goes!

Oh, and this was to be a routine visit, not a sick visit...good timing huh!

Bailey is still a giant joy in our life...here he is with me...it's a cell phone picture so please forgive...look at those bright eyes!
Well, they have been looking pretty bright at two in the morning too! That's right, the little darling sleeps at my feet and sometimes in the middle of the night he decides that Hubby and I need to give him a little love...which we do, with pleasure...that is, until one of us realizes what time it is...sigh...then the cute little guy is banished back to the bottom of the bed...Bailey, not Kirke, I tried...Now, to be fair, we may have woken him up first with a bout of coughing, but I ain't sayin'
My honey did good for Valentines day...nothing fancy or expensive, but he sure hit a homerun...here's a picture...See the card? The heart ends with a little knot and the card says Knots of love. When Kirke went to purchase it, the woman asked him if he knew the story behind the piece...he didn't. She explained that with each purchase a donation was made to the organization that knits things for cancer patients(knots of love). He was so excited, because, as he told the woman, "Wow, my wife is a breast cancer survivor!" I am thrilled! He also gave me a single pink rose...What a guy!

Well, I tire, and so had better go...I will find something pink to add...and hope to make my Wandering Wednesday a regular thing...perhaps next time even a little entertaining!

Stay Pink!

Friday, February 11, 2011

It"s Pink Saturday!!

It's supposed to be valentine Pink Saturday...but as I am traveling to Dallas today for a Komen grant review on American Airlines...a Komen sponsor...I will honor all three of us...

American Airlines Susan G. Komen for the Cure® Promise Grant to the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Enables Much Progress in First Year

So there's my contribution to this weeks pink Saturday!!
Stay Pink! & Happy Pink Saturday!!

Follow Friday 40 and Over!!

Welcome to the 37th edition of the   
Follow Friday 40 and Over!! 

Are you a blogger over 40? Yeah, welcome to the club!
Please join in the fun and get to know your fellow bloggers!!

Click on the little white box to join in...don't ask...sigh...

The RULES to join in are very simple!

1. Grab the button
2. Add your link to the list
3. Visit as many other blogs as you can
4. Follow the ones you like (and comment on their blog to say that you are following)

NOTE:  PLEASE leave your blog address when you leave a comment!!  I have had several people wanting to follow back but the blogger can't always be found through the google info page!!

This list is new each week. The links do not carry over. Please link up  each week for new participants to find your blogs. It will be visible all week to visit  the blogs listed. 

While you are here, make sure you check out the
Over 40 Blogger List!!

Be sure to join if you haven't already!
Stay Pink!

Follow Friday 40 and Over!!

Are you a blogger over 40? Yeah, welcome to the club!
Please join in the fun and get to know your fellow bloggers!!

The RULES to join in are very simple!

1. Grab the button
2. Add your link to the list
3. Visit as many other blogs as you can
4. Follow the ones you like (and comment on their blog to say that you are following)

NOTE:  PLEASE leave your blog address when you leave a comment!!  I have had several people wanting to follow back but the blogger can't always be found through the google info page!!

This list is new each week. The links do not carry over. Please link up  each week for new participants to find your blogs. It will be visible all week to visit  the blogs listed. 

While you are here, make sure you check out the
Over 40 Blogger List!!

Be sure to join if you haven't already!
Stay Pink!

Welcome to the "Thursday's Friends Cafe!"  
(hosted by Deb of Menopausal New Mom and myself)

  • Just a few reminders on how the "Cafe" works.
  • Follow the two hosts Deb and Tammy
  • (pre-requisite for qualifying for guest host)
  • Add your name/blog to the list
  • Follow as many participants you want
  • (be sure to comment so they can follow you back.)
  • Most importantly:  HAVE FUN!
Please leave me a comment so I know you are following...
ALWAYS follow those who make comments!

 This Week's Guest Host is Nic from Life-Reassembled

Go and check Nic out...she has a great NEW blog and would love some more followers...she is starting today out with 12 followers...go and give her some 

*comment* and *follow* love!  Let's get her up to 50 followers!  We can do that! :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Welcome to Post It Note Tuesday!

Only Parent Chronicles

Click on the yellow note above to join in and create your own Post it note Tuesday...(PINT)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Meet Me On Monday!!

Welcome to the 34th edition of 
"Meet Me On Monday!"
Blogging  is a funny thing...we tell our most intimate thoughts for all to read  and yet most of the time I find myself sitting and wondering, "who is  this person!?"  I know them...but yet I don't know them!  I want  to know who the person is behind all those words so I thought of a great  way for all of us to "meet" each other! 

Every Sunday Never Growing Old will post five get to know you  questions that you can copy and paste into your own Monday post and we  can all learn a little more about each and every one of us!!

"Its a great way to to meet new friends and for others to get to know me better....one Monday at a time!!!"....as quoted by the Chacogirl!! I will make this SIMPLE and FUN!!!


1.  Did you watch the Superbowl?
2.  What is the last book that you read?
3.  What is your favorite kind of cake?
4.  Do you snore?
5.  Do you play an instrument?

My Answers!

1.  Did you watch the Superbowl?

     2.  What is the last book that you read?

Hero at Large by Janet Evanovich

3.  What is your favorite kind of cake? 

I really can't think of one right now because it has been way too long...I have type II diabetes...serious stuff...

4.  Do you snore?
No, I swear!! But he does...                                                                  
5.  Do you play an instrument?

No, but I do sing, so I guess you might say yes...
So there you have it! click the figure above to join in!
Stay pink!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

It's Pink Saturday!!

Welcome to pink Saturday! here is the link to this fun day...and my contribution is below...

Happy Pink Saturday!!
                         Stay Pink! Pinkim!

The Truth!!! Or at Least The One Truth!!!

OK, So Here It is! The Big Reveal!! Scroll Down and See if you were Right!! But before you do...I have to tell you that there was some truth to all but one...Here goes!

The Memetastic One!! That's Me!!

See! It says so here! Marvi Marti Over at The musings of Marvi Marti
 gave me this fun award!
There are just a few things I have to do that go along with accepting it...First of all, thanks so much Marti, for thinking of me. I hope I can live up to this...I sure will have fun trying!


As a condition of my acceptance of this award I have to demonstrate my supurb skills by writing five facts about myself.  Four of these ‘facts’ have to be 
ficticious deceptions  
 enhanced realities (some grain of truth but a lot of enhancements!).  But somewhere among the lies fibs fabrications falsehoodsAHEM *cough*cough* ::crossing fingers behind back::  embellishments, will be one solid truth.
The next part of this acceptance is that I have to pass this onto five other bloggers. 
SO feel free to comment and let me know which fact is NOT embellished and is in fact, 100% true!  I’ll post answers this weekend!
( I will first confess to borrowing the above, very cute, paragraph from Marvi Marti) 
Thank you Marti!
1.T! This is sooo true!! OK, this is an easy one...as any of you who are regulars to my blog must know, I am a big, big fan of ...these TV shows...NCIS, Bones, Fringe...I will not miss NCIS!! Ever!
2.F! All of this is true except for the fact that Bailey is an American Eskimo puppy! We just obtained the most gorgeous puppy in the world a little over a week ago, he is a real cutie and his name is Bailey...we looked for him for weeks...he was a mush anticipated addition to our family as we have never had a pet before! There is much laughter around here as we watch his antics...he is s Samoyed!
3. F! My dream was to become an archeologist, but I never did and did not study it...my parents said too much dirt for me and I never studied it for real in school. They also said there was no money in it... I do however read a lot of books with a concentration in that area, and that is a regret... In my younger years I could often be found digging around in the dirt...not that I like to be dirty or buggy, but I am fascinated with history... ancient history to be exact...my true love is archeology.  At one point, that was my course of study. Until I got sidetrack by the making babies thing, that is...
4. F! I do, however, wish it was true! I am typing this on my brand new Ipad!!!!!! What fun!
5. F! All of this is true except the part where my husband and I will be joining them...Yes, that's right, my parents will be taking the same cruise as my brother and his wife and did, indeed spring this on them during the wedding...We attended the wedding of my nephew and my new niece-in-law last weekend...at the reception my Mom and Dad surprised the parents of the groom...my brother and sister in law with the news that they had booked a room on the same cruise ship, same cruise that they are on...lol...you should have seen their daughter in law's face...lol...well, I can't wait to see all of their faces when Kirke and I show up!!! I am really excited about the whole thing for more than a few reasons...number one s the obvious one, but then there is the other one...the fact that I have never been on a cruise before!!

So, there you have it...the real story...and nothing but the real story... I thought about adding a donation button for an Ipad but...

Stay Pink!

Friday, February 4, 2011

It has begun!!! With the Coffee House Mysteries!! by Cleo Coyle!

So, some of you may remember that I joined this reading challenge back in December! So far not much work has gone into this, what with my busy advocacy life and all, but it has begun...and shall continue...I really REALLY...love the coffee house mysteries by Cleo Coyle and they fall right into this category...I am going to just post the blurb from her site here on the first book because a review by me is not a requisite part of this challenge...just a list...and besides..the virtual coffeehouse is such a fun place to be and I shall send you there in a minute too!
The first book in this delightful series is titled "On What Grounds" and the name of our coffee house is The Village Blend. "The perfect cup of coffee is a mystifying thing. To many of my customers, the entire process seems like some sort of alchemy they dare not try at home...."

Ten years ago, Clare Cosi left an unhappy marriage along with a job she loved: managing the historic Village Blend coffeehouse in New York’s Greenwich Village. For a decade, she was happy raising her daughter in the quiet suburbs of New Jersey; but now that Joy is grown and gone, life has gotten way too quiet for Clare.
     With a little cajoling from Madame, the Blend’s flamboyant, elderly owner (not to mention a persuasive pot of Jamaica Blue Mountain), Clare agrees to return to her old job—and right from the start she gets one heck of a jolt.
     On her first morning back as Village Blend manager, Clare unlocks the front door to find her beautiful, young assistant manager, Anabelle Hart, unconscious in the back of the store, coffee grounds strewn everywhere.
     As Anabelle is rushed to the hospital, police arrive to investigate, but Detective Mike Quinn finds no sign of forced entry or foul play, and he deems it an accident. Clare disagrees; and after Quinn leaves, there are a few questions she just can’t get out of her mind, like why was the trash bin in the wrong place? If this wasn’t an accident, are her other baristas in danger? And are all NYPD detectives this attractive?  Ok, that was the write up now, this is the link to the virtual coffee house...enjoy...TheVillageBlend

So the first book on my list while Crusin' thru the Cozies is...Drum roll please...
1. On what Grounds by Cleo Colye

I will be adding to this post or at least changing it as I read through the series...

Stay Pink!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Memetastic One!! That's Me!!

See! It says so here! Marvi Marti Over at The musings of Marvi Marti
 gave me this fun award!
There are just a few things I have to do that go along with accepting it...First of all, thanks so much Marti, for thinking of me. I hope I can live up to this...I sure will have fun trying!


As a condition of my acceptance of this award I have to demonstrate my supurb skills by writing five facts about myself.  Four of these ‘facts’ have to be 
ficticious deceptions  
 enhanced realities (some grain of truth but a lot of enhancements!).  But somewhere among the lies fibs fabrications falsehoodsAHEM *cough*cough* ::crossing fingers behind back::  embellishments, will be one solid truth.
The next part of this acceptance is that I have to pass this onto five other bloggers. 
SO feel free to comment and let me know which fact is NOT embellished and is in fact, 100% true!  I’ll post answers this weekend!
( I will first confess to borrowing the above, very cute, paragraph from Marvi Marti) 
Thank you Marti!
1. OK, this is an easy one...as any of you who are regulars to my blog must know, I am a big, big fan of ...these TV shows...NCIS, Bones, Fringe...I will not miss NCIS!! Ever!
2. We just obtained the most gorgeous puppy in the world a little over a week ago, he is a real cutie and his name is Bailey...we looked for him for weeks...he was a mush anticipated addition to our family as we have never had a pet before! There is much laughter around here as we watch his antics...he is s Samoyed!
3. In my younger years I could often be found digging around in the dirt...not that I like to be dirty or buggy, but I am fascinated with history... ancient history to be exact...my true love is archeology.  At one point, that was my course of study. Until I got sidetrack by the making babies thing, that is...
4. I am typing this on my brand new Ipad!!!!!! What fun!
5. We attended the wedding of my nephew and my new niece-in-law last weekend...at the reception my Mom and Dad surprised the parents of the groom...my brother and sister in law with the news that they had booked a room on the same cruise ship, same cruise that they are on...lol...you should have seen their daughter in law's face...lol...well, I can't wait to see all of their faces when Kirke and I show up!!! I am really excited about the whole thing for more than a few reasons...number one s the obvious one, but then there is the other one...the fact that I have never been on a cruise before!!

So those are the "facts", Ma'am! That's my story and I am sticking to it! 
And now...the five...that I am passing the torch to...

What Would Jen Do?

Stay Pink!!
