"I BELIEVE IN PINK! I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."— Audrey Hepburn

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Every night, friends. You have done what you could. Let it go.

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, November 28, 2011

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

This is a book meme hosted by bookjourney ... We simply mention what we read last week, maybe talk about it a little, and then show what we are reading this week...
Last week I read...

By Kent Harrington...This was a real departure for me...I read it because I am to do a review on it...I liked it...It is fast paced and it is definitely a thriller. The seamier side of Mexico is revealed in all of it'a glory...during what is basically a 24 hour period ( Dia De La Muertos to be exact). It is a very dangerous day for a few people! I found myself pulling for the main character which surprised me...

This week I am reading...

By Libby Fischer Hellman, this also is a thriller...I am also to do a review on this one...I am just starting and it already has a grip on me and did so from not too far into the first chapter...I can't say much more because I am not very far into it, but let me just say that after only reading a few chapters, I find myself wanting to go back and double check some facts before I go any farther so that I have things right...she has me already!
Stay tuned...

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Oh, it is so sad...the end of my Staycation is approaching...and I shall have to return to work tomorrow...and NO, I am absolutely not looking forward to it...I guess that means that I have enjoyed myself here at home...even though we didn't go away...You may recall that we were supposed to go to the beach...then I consoled myself with the fact that I would be able to decorate for Christmas...but we couldn't do that either because Hubby went and scheduled a hernia repair...thoughtless of him wasn't it?...so I decorated my little pink blog instead...I like it, I hope you do too!

Yesterday was my birthday! I am now 53! I think I like being 53 and a few sizes smaller than I was last year...even if no one noticed...see a theme here...lol...We actually celebrated by joining my family at the wedding of my third eldest nephew. He married a lovely girl...it was a lovely wedding...I don't know why, but her family chose not to attend...and it made that part pretty sad...but over all she did very well...and she has quite a catch if I do say so myself:)
It was great to see my sister and her family...Her children were a lot of fun to be with at the wedding, they even danced. I got to dance with my father, even if the bride didn't get to dance with hers...
We had a very nice Thanksgiving. The Ravens won the Har-bowl...so what more can you ask for?
I was able to spend it with my family...all of them...I was a little sad that none of them thought to ask of us on Friday but...that's life...I know that they were helping to prepare for the wedding...
I suppose I could have offered, but...I felt the need to be asked...as if it wasn't my place...
Anyway, enough of that...I have heard from a few authors that sent out a few requests for people to read their books and post reviews...So I am happy to say that I will be able to accommodate them! I've been wanting to get into that on a more regular basis...
So this week it is back to the races...Wish me luck!

Oh, her wedding color was Navy Blue...but I like her anyway...lol...it was actually very pretty..and my little niece and nephew caught the bouquet and garter!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

It's Wednesday! and ...My Mind is Wandering...

So, you may have noticed that it looks a little like Christmas around here...Pink Christmas...if you looked around at all, you may have seen that I have added a few festive touches...Hope you like it:)
I have been off since last Friday and I have to admit that I have been listening to Holiday music since then...I finally found the perfect station for me...so I am all set...My husband went and had some minor surgery and so he can't bring up the boxes of decorations so I can't decorate yet...foiled there...oh well...
I had a slight mishap with my Zune mp3 player that resulted in me having to reload the software and then I finally was able to get the darn thing to sync and then create the playlists that I wanted and now all is well...Hubby thinks I could be IT...I say as long as they give me unlimited hours to work on any given problem...
Ah, electronics...gotta love em...
Here is some more Pink Christmas for our pleasure...


Monday, November 21, 2011

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

This is a book meme hosted by bookjourney!
We simply post what we read last week, or in my case are reading...and then mention what we may read next...

Well, last Monday I told you that I intended to read this...

And I am!!
As with all of Clive's other books, this one is a true adventure and the action is non stop! I am racing around the globe and putting out fires, while new ones crop up even as the others are put out...whew...
I love it and should finish it soon...

As for what I shall read next? Hmmm... that is a tough one...because I have a few to review, a few light hearted ones to choose from, and still a few more that are more hard core that I would love to get started on...so...I guess I will just have to say...Stay tuned...
                                           My friends,  

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Feature and Follow Friday

This weeks question is: A letter to Santa...Tell Santa what books you want Santa to bring you for Christmas this year...

Well...Dear Santa...I'll just show you instead...

That is the complete set of Jack Reacher books by Lee Child...Am I the only one that hasn't read them yet? Shall I bid on these?

Next up...

Yes, that's right, I haven't read any of these either...so I want the complete Twilight saga...
What's on your list?

Five Minute Friday only...Well...You Know...late again...

OK, so on Friday's around these parts we Stop, Drop, and Write...only Friday, I didn't have 5 minutes...so here I am...

For fun, for love of the sound of words, for delight, for joy and celebration at the art of communication.

For only five, short, bold, beautiful, minutes. Unscripted, and unedited. We Just write without worrying if it's just right   or not.
Won't you join us?


How could I have known all those years ago when I walked through that door...the one that opened when the other one slammed shut...the one I heard when I was given the diagnosis of Breast cancer...stage II, they said...So many people to take care of me...
Only one child they said...OK...I will be strong and stick around for the one that I have...I will work to find the cure so that the day will come that she will not have to face this...
So I work...and I work...and I meet many amazing people...I receive many things...among them are friends...awards...pink...travel...work...review...more work...more friends...more amazing people...

And still... we search for the cure...
My daughter searches with me...
We are closer...

They call me Pinkim


Saturday, November 19, 2011

It"s Pink Saturday!! And I am Thankful for so Many Things...

This is actually my second thankful post in one day, but I figure you can never have too many and I really have very little time some weeks to blog and so...I tend to over compensate on the weekends...sorry folks...
Anyway...I am thankful for my Family, and for days like this when I can do nothing except play blogger and catch up...I am thankful for the internet and all of the pleasures and frustrations that go along with it...
I am thankful for the friend I have made in my Dr's secretary...She is a true Blessing...I am thankful that I have my little Bailey to cuddle, when he wants to that is...lol...I am thankful for the vacation time that allows me time away from my stressful job to recharge...
What are you thankful for?

Oh, I am participating in an iPad2 Giveaway! Please check for the badge on my sidebar and click-it to see how to enter...

linking up 

Meet Pam Maynard from: Mom Does Reviews!!

Hi Pam, Welcome to my little Pink Place...Your Blog, momdoesreviews seems like a fun and informative place...

That's Pam with her lovely family...

KWTell me something about yourself, I know you like to blog...  PM:I love to write kids stories and articles.  Besides my hubby and 8 year old son, I love our 2 dogs, 3 cats, 2 red eared slider turtles, 2 crested geckos, 18 chickens and 6 guinea hens.  I have a Masters in Business Communication but I have been a Lead MRI Technologist for 10 years and Imaging Technologist for 10 years before that.
KW: Man....You sure must be busy...I had no idea that you had such a full house!

KWWe met through Mom Blog Society...How did you become involved with that? Did you help to found MBS? PM LaDonna sent me a comment on my blog and invited me to join.  I was one of the first members, but I didn't help found it.  I do help LaDonna with some things as I am a moderator.
KWYes, I did want to ask you about Moderating for MBS, What does that entail? PM: LaDonna looks to the moderators to greet new members, help with blog hops, start groups and keep them going.  Basically, whatever LaDonna needs me to do, I try to help out.  Lots of things get done behind the scenes that I help her out with.
KW: You were a big help to me when I joined and it this made me feel like a very welcome member of the group. The MBS seemed like a very friendly place and that is in part due to people like you...
KWHow do you manage all of this? I believe that you have mentioned above that you also have a job involving MRI...And now I know about your menagerie! (lol)
PMYes, I am an MRI tech.  I work full time, 4 ten hour days so I have 3 days off.  I have to admit I neglect my housework a lot, yes my hubby would agree.  I try to get writing done at work when we don't have patients.  Don't tell my boss:)
KW: Your secret is, of course, safe with me:) Uh oh...unless your boss is a follower...then all bets are off! 
KW:Your blog is titled Mom Does Reviews...What types of things do you review?
PMI like to review kid friendly products.  Picture and chapter books, coloring books, I have a few picture books and uglee pen to review.  I use my Android phone a lot so I like to review apps that help moms be more productive. 
KW: You know, I saw that pen review...I wonder if it comes in Pink...
KW: Pam, is there anything else that you think our readers would like to know about you or the world of MBS or blogging?
PMIf you are interested in monetizing your blog, I have many resources that I use.  Here are a few links:
To Find products to review:
Here follows Pam's Bio from here blog:

I work full-time at The Seacoast’s Leading Hospital as an MRI Technologist. I have a smart and handsome 8 year old son, a husband who claims the same, 2 dogs, 3 cats, 6 guinea hens, 18 chickens, 2 red-eared sliders, 2 crested geckos and multiple dust bunnies.  I enjoy blogging as it is the total opposite of what I do all day long.  I love to share things I learn and love with you!
In my spare time, I love to read to my son and have him read to me. We love to walk, play Wii games, board games and scrapbook. I have even been know to build things with Legos. I have learned so many things since my son started learning so many things. I would love to share some of these things with you!
Mom Does Reviews  is the place to glean creative information on raising our school-aged children, working full time and writing inspirational stories for children. It is about the sweetest part of life, our children!  Come poke around at Mom Does Reviews for product reviews, giveaways, pertinent tips on parenting, writing or just for a little peck of inspiration.
For the record, I do accept ad income and accept advertising links on my blog.
Love the writing, love the writing, love the writing… the rest will follow.” Jane Yolen

Thank you Pam! If you would like to visit Pam and look around her blog here is the link once more
Here also, is the link to MBS

Thankful Thoughts Weekend Blog Hop...

Hmmm...A short post on the things that I am thankful for this season...

Well, this is indeed good timing, because I am really supposed to be away this week at the beach...We had planned to be away for Thanksgiving week this year...for the first time...ever...I was so looking forward to that...then...DH...I am using that term loosely at the moment...said we could not afford it...so here we are...at home...But...
I am still on VACATION!! I am thankful for that...
I am thankful for my family...for my health, and for the Doctor that helps me to maintain same...not always an easy task...lol...
I am thankful for the ladies over at Mom Blog Society for putting up with busy Moms that don't always make deadlines...
I am thankful for my job(sometimes I must remind myself of this)
I am thankful for PINK and all that that color means to me in so many ways...
I am thankful for the energy of the the many ladies and gentleman that work to put the Komen MD RFTC together with me every year. This year we have raised 3M thus far and still counting!
I am thankful for Bailey, who is pawing me and wanting attention at this moment...:))
I am very thankful for those that take the time to read my ramblings here on my little pink blog...and
 OK, so Bailey got his way for a while...
and I am thankful for 

These two!

Link up...

iPad2 Giveaway!!

iPad 2 Giveaway: Win it!

Sponsored by Mom Blog Society and Mom Does Reviews

Capacity: 16GB | Connectivity: Wifi | Color: White

Thin. Light. Fully loaded

Two cameras for FaceTime and HD video recording. The dual-core A5 chip. 10-hour battery life.Over 200 new software features in iOS 5. And iCloud. All in a remarkably thin, light design. There’s so much to iPad, it’s amazing there’s so little of it.

Technology so advanced you'll forget it's even there

When you pick up iPad, it becomes an extension of you. That’s the idea behind its innovative design. It’s just 0.34 inch thin and weighs as little as 1.33 pounds, so it feels completely comfortable in your hands. And it makes surfing the web, checking email, watching movies, and reading books so natural, you’ll wonder why you ever did it any other way.

Two cameras. And a big hello to FaceTime for iPad.

You’ll see two cameras on iPad — one on the front and one on the back. They may be tiny, but they’re a big deal. They’re designed for FaceTime video calling, and they work together so you can talk to your favorite people and see them smile and laugh back at you. The front camera puts you and your friend face-to-face. Switch to the back camera during your video call to share where you are, who you’re with, or what’s going on around you. When you’re not using FaceTime, let the back camera roll if you see something movie-worthy. It’s HD, so whatever you shoot is a mini-masterpiece. And you can take wacky snapshots in Photo Booth. It’s the most fun a face can have.

Dual core A5 chip, it's fast times 2

Two powerful cores in one A5 chip mean iPad can do twice the work at once. Multitasking is smooth, apps load quickly, and anything you touch responds instantly. And with up to nine times the graphics performance of the first-generation iPad, everything on iPad 2 is even more fluid and realistic, from gameplay to scrolling through your photo library

Multi-touch, everything's at your fingertips

With iPad, you use your fingers to do everything. And thanks to Multi-Touch technology, everything you do — surfing the web, typing email, reading books, swiping through photos, and switching between apps — is easier and a lot more fun. When your fingers touch the display, it senses them using electrical fields. Then it instantly transforms your taps, swipes, pinches, and flicks into lifelike actions. Just like that.

Battery life keeps on going. So you can, too.

Even with such a thin, light design, iPad has an incredible 10-hour battery life.1 That’s enough juice for one flight across the ocean, or one movie-watching all-nighter, or a week’s commute across town. Because iPad hardware and software are made for each other, the power-efficient A5 chip works with the iOS software to keep battery life from fading away.

This is your chance to WIN one of your own!! So Click and WIN...

Monday, November 14, 2011

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

This is a fun weekly Meme hosted by
We simply post what we read last week (or are still reading) and also share what books we intend to read this week...

Last week I mentioned that I wanted to read the third in a series by Susan Donovan, Not That Kind of Girl...I did, and I thoroughly enjoyed the read...Like the other two in the series it was a fun, fast, romantic, funny, read...
These books are about a group of four women that, for various reasons, have sworn off men and swear to go through life with just each other and their dogs for company...and the worst case was saved for last...Throw in a bit of a paranormal twist and a dog whisperer and you get a great series that is definitely worth the time and money!
Here are the first two in the series...

And here is the book that I intend to read this week...

By Clive Cussler, he's a favorite of mine!
More on that book next week!
In the meantime,
